merssu kirjoitti:tuli mitattua tuota pulssisuhdetta niin pari sekunttia on 50 lukema ja pomppaa muutamaksi sekunniksi 13-14

eli mitäs sviddua tuo tarkottaa? eikös sen pitäs olla 45-55 välissä koko ajan?
Ohessa lontoon murteella X11 pinnijärjestys ja "vikakoodit".
Pin Function
1 RPM signal, 0 to 12 V, 4 pulses per revolution. A frequency of 43.3 pulses per second corresponds to the desired idle speed of 650 RPM. (To check your tachometer you could measure the frequency at this pin and multiply by 15 to get RPM.) This signal is derived from the ignition amplifier and is synchronized with the low side of the ignition coil.
3 Lambda on/off ratio, 0 to 13.6 V, 100 Hz. This is not a replica of the output of the oxygen sensor. The "duty cycle" in Mercedes literature refers to the percentage of time this signal is low. Longer duty cycle (lower average voltage) = lean, shorter = rich.
4 Low (negative) side of the ignition coil. This is where to monitor the dwell angle of the electronic ignition amplifier, and is also a good place to view a reflected and attenuated image of the spark. This is about 50 VPP, safe for an ordinary oscilloscope.
5 Hot (battery voltage) in Run or Start, NOT FUSED! This is actually the positive side of the ignition coil.
6 Hot at all times, through fuse 2
7 Shielded cable from TDC sensor. This is not the same sensor which triggers the spark control unit, but it could be used in a clever circuit with pin 1 to measure spark advance.
8 Shielded cable from TDC sensor.
9 Shield for pins 7 and 8.
(DWELL) - on/off fault codes for KE JETRONIC 3.1 control unit.
The control unit displays faults currently present via the on/off ratio .
The on/off fault codes are listed below:
On/off fault codes with ignition on:
0% Unused
10% Idle speed contact at throttle switch not opening
20% Full load contact at throttle switch not opening
30% Coolant temperature below 70°C
40% Air flow sensor potentiometer malfunction
50% All input signals are OK. No faults
60% Vehicle speed limitation signal active
70% Start signal active
80% Selector lever in “DRIVE“ position
90% Electro-hydraulic actuator current implausible
100% Unused
On/off fault codes with engine running:
0% Control unit receives no voltage or is defective
10% Air flow sensor defective or polarity reversed.
20% Full load contact defective or incorrectly connected.
30% Short or open circuit between coolant temperature sensor and control unit or the temperature sensor is defective.
40% Short or open circuit between air flow sensor and
control unit or the air flow sensor is defective.
50% Oxygen sensor not at operating temperature, open circuit or defective.
60% Vehicle speed signal to the control unit implausible
70% Control unit receives no RPM signal.
80% Interrupted data exchange between ECU and ignition control unit (EZL).
90% Current at electro-hydraulic actuator out of range.
95% Deceleration fuel shut-off active.
Values Oscillates: All signals are OK. No fault in monitored signals.
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